Hello everyone, I'll tell you about me so you get know me a little bit better. My name is Michelle Astrelli but most of my friends and family call me Mixi. I use all the pronouns (she, he, they) I don't mind that, I prefer non-binary pronouns but I like either pronouns to refer to me though. It's up to you what you want to call me. I was born in Santiago de Chile, I grew up and have always lived in this city.

I'm design student and I study in a university called Universidad de Chile at the faculty of architecture and design. I like studying graphic design because I'm very keen on the visual comunication media. My passion is being creative and crafty, that's why I decided design so I can explore what I can do and make with my skills. I'm very good at drawing and tattooing illustrations. My favorite styles of illustrations are Japonese style like Anime and Irezumi in blackwork. I'm part owner of a shop that sells a lots of kittenplay accessories like chokers and kitty ears but yeah, working and studying simultaneosly real isn't an easy task! Least in covid-19 pandemic period.

 I live with my grandparents and my cousins. I have one sister and one brother but no one lives with me because  they're from divorced parents. I have always lived with my grandparents because my parents work all day. My parents have never really been involved in my upbringing and I nevermind that because I always had the love and care of my grandparents. They instilled in me all of values that I carry out today. Ah! I have two dogs and one cat; they are part of family too.

I say goodbye, stay home if you can and wash our hands often, please <3


  1. Cool!, What is kitten play? i was a little confused by that, but it great to be owner of your own business.
    It's really nice that you have always had good parents figures to look up to. It crucial for any child to be loved and cared for, i'm really happy for you.


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