The waters where the moon chooses to bathe.

A Chilean popular song tells us that Valdivia's waters are the place where the moon chooses to bathe, and there's no denying that there is a certain magical charm about this city of rivers. My best holiday ever was in Valdivia in 2019, just before the covid-19 quarantine. I think that Valdivia has all that is needed to enjoy the best holiday ever: food, rivers, nature,tranquility, and safety for travelers.

I traveled with 3 friends to Valdivia. We were backpackers we decided to get to Valdivia asking to be taken "a dedo" and we were lucky to meet a lot of friendly and nice people to who took us to Niebla. Already in Niebla, we decided to take advantage of each of our days ('cuz we would only be 5 days in Valdivia) and get to know the Niebla's Casttle. Corral Bay in Niebla is home to the remains of a fort and have on-site museum that bringing to life a time in history when locals would try to scare away pirates and foreign powers. I really was in love with the casttle architecture. Very close to the casttle the Feria Fluvial was taking place, what is a Valdivia's bustling riverside market that is brimming with fresh seafood, fruits and vegetables. Especially the many varieties of different coloured potatoes haha and you will also find locally made cheese, arts and handmade crafts and perfect gifts for friends and family when ou return to the capital.

One of the great reasons why we visit Valdivia was that we are beer lovers. Valdivia has a booming beer culture, with Kunstmann Brewery as testament to its popularity. In Isla Teja, we found the largest brewery in the south of Chile with beers of all flavors and colors. We were really ecstatic with such a variety of alcohol. From Isla Teja came to be popular beers festivals such as Oktoberfest.

Well, we toured around the main sights in one of the most beautiful city of the south like Botanical Gardens, Turrents, trip by boats, markets and art museum. I think this has been my best holidays ever because I enjoyed them until the last second with people who I adore. Presicely, spend time a lot of time with them before I stop to seeing them, thanks to the pandemic, allowed me to keep such beautiful moments in my heart.


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