I suppose I have two really, not just one. That would be my camera and my iphone. Let's clear this first: I'm not an Apple fangirl (I hear this a lot) this is my genuine opinion. My smartphone, not as a phone, but as an entertainment source. I like my camera but when you consider all the devices the iphone replaces vs how much all those devices cost. Then factor in the space those devices take up. I got it 2 years ago and I use it every day. I really like iphone because I can read, take photos, listen to music and audiobooks, watch videos, calculator, game platform, and even keep up to date with U-Cursos when I'm out of my house. What an amazing little piece of technology.

It's the first really personal device that's more part of you than anything else, it's your digital reflection more than anything way able to so far. It feels like the first real extension of ourselves to a whole different digital universe.

I'm also completely "sold" on Google maps for when I have to go out somewhere I have never been before. No more stopping to consult a street directory, often multiple times. I just put in my destination and my iphone tells me where to go. I'm a really badly situated person so I can't imagine what life would be like without my smartphone. 

Sometimes Siri (iphone lady) does get a little terse when I don't do as I'm told. The first couple of times this happened, I thought it must have been my imagination, but it wasn't. On a recent journey, she kept telling me to make another way, and by the fourth time she was definitely quite belligerent about it! But even though I do have to put with the occasional hissy fit, it is still worth it for the hassle-free journey. 


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